Nyaruguru District: ECD centers will help fight malnutrition in children.
39.1% of children under the age of five in Nyaruguru District have problems with malnutrition, The Rwandan government continues to point out that malnutrition in children is a serious problem.
ADEPE has built three ECDs centers: mata in Mata sector, Viro in Kibeho and Ngeri in Munini sector.
Rucamumihigo Gregoire, the leader of the Rwandan Society for Human Development and Human Rights (ADEPE), says they built the ECD center for the well-being of children and their families. “The children will be raised in a safe place, the parents will have time to work for the families, so let’s get rid of the other busy parents who don’t care about the children.
Among the causes of malnutrition are psychological problems; ones has food but does not know how to cook it. So when these caregivers have a connection with the health counselors, the child who comes at least take those nutrient food from ECD, and the parents are taught to cook a balanced diet, as he or she is taught to change attitudes, so he or she takes care of the child without any problem. ”