- Theory of change: ADEPE organized a stakeholders’ consultative workshop through which the theory of change process, participants defined the goal of the ADEPE proposed strategic programs and defined specific interventions or the major activities required to achieve the set contributions in meeting the SDGs,
- Inclusiveness: Men and women will be given equal opportunities during personnel hiring, capacity building programs. Focus will be given to young girls from households falling in categories 1&2 under UBUDEHE social groups 1 and 2 (including landless people), people with disabilities will be given special attention.
- Profitability: as ADEPE embarks on agribusiness development to generate community grants, efficient return on investments will be foreseen. Each specific investment will be informed by facts findings, informed by market analysis. ADEPE investment group will promote investments agribusiness driven by profits and all business partnerships be contract farming or markets supply, services provision, market distribution agents should reflect a win-win situation for engaged parties. In contract farming/ supply contract mainly from ADEPE beneficiaries, each party is driven by win-win with very clear pricing, payments
- Sustainability is about insuring long term success while contributing towards economic, social development, a healthy environment and stable growth Sustainability implores resilience vs shocks, volatile prices, shortage of raw materials and SMEs play a vital role in sustaining the value chain development sustainably. ADEPE through its investments in agribusiness will contribute to the implementation of Rwanda green growth strategy which is currently reported to face many challenges such as limited ownership by users in different socio-economic sectors; limited capacities and effective coordination. As ADEPE seeks to promote agribusiness development, she will facilitate small farmers accessing to improved farming technologies and best practices aiming at mitigating impacts of climate change and preservation of natural resources.
Climate change impacts on agriculture value chain development from production to markets. And strategic actions are needed to reduce vulnerability of farmers and investors. ADEPE will promote sustainable farming systems, thus will support consistent market supply and promotion of regional trade mainly with neighboring DRC. In Rwanda pressure on natural resources especially forests as biofuel is very alarming, calling for ADEPE to commit for use of alternative sources of energy and rebuild the Rwanda forest cover. ADEPE will strive to transfer knowledge to farmers to always address the profitability and return on investment, and farmers’ access to it (costs and access to finances).
- Data & evidence-based advocacy: ADEPE strives to keep evidence based study by stakeholders be public, civil society or donors’ community.
- Synergy: ADEPE through existing platforms will collaborate with key stakeholders and avoid duplicating what is being implemented by other stakeholders but rather will strengthen collaborative partnerships to borrow from them best practices and lessons learnt to inform ADEPE programs implementation.
- Accountability: ADEPE is an impact driven organization partnering with local governments in addressing concerns in areas of social protection and human rights. ADEPE will strengthen its mechanisms promoting accountable governance. Beneficiaries and local governments will be well engaged in joint monitoring events with ADEPE as active participation, ownership and more efficient governance are pre-requisites for successful programs results based implementation.