ECD Rubavu: Strong Beginnings Celebrates Nearly 41 Children Graduates
Rubavu ECD center is onee of the 11 ECD centers run by ADEPE under the partnership and support by UNICEF.These ECDs are established in 8 districts namely Rubavu , Burera , Gasabo, Rwamagana, Nyarugenge, Nyamasheke, Gatsibo and Rusizi.
Top class 41 children from Rubavu ECD center have graduated on this 13 the July 2022.It was a great and joyful day as friends and family congregated to watch the event,

During the year, the young students learned How to recognize and got familiar with alphabet and numeracy, writer their names and memorize recitations

This is big achievement for ADEPE, and we will do our best to meet all the necessary requirements to build a better future for the country,” said Rucamumihigo Gregroire, ADEPE’s chief executive officer.