Empowering Teen Mothers in Murambi: A Story of Hope and Progress
At Rubavu District, Rubavu Sector, in Murambi Cell, a group of 20 teen mothers has come together to create a […]

UNICEF Regional Director Visits ADEPE’s ECD Programs
In a significant moment for Early Childhood Development (ECD) in Rwanda, ADEPE (Action Pour Le Développement du Peuple) recently hosted […]

A Path to Justice: How Mediation Helped a Young Mother Establish Paternity
Let me share with you a success story that unfolded within the realm of the legal system. Meet IRANKUNDA Clenisse, […]

A Fresh Start for Uwajeneza
Uwajeneza, a 19-year-old girl from Kariba village in northern Rwanda, faced a difficult situation three years ago. She became pregnant, […]

Deadly floods in Rwanda: Devastation and urgent need for support.
The heavy rains that hit Western and Northern provinces of Rwanda on May 2 and 3 have resulted in devastating […]

ADEPE and Partners Launch New ECD centers to Promote Sustainable Development in Rwanda
ACTION POUR LE DEVELOPPMENT DU PEUPLE, ADEPE, in partnership with IHS Rwanda, a subsidiary of IHS Towers, UNICEF and […]