Before being admitted in ADEPE program, I was desperate for I had dropped out of schooling in senior 2 due to a lack of school fees. I was feeling worthless and boys could neglect me. Fortunately, I heard that ADEPE was recruiting girls who dropped out of schooling. The chief of the village registered me and started training on financial literacy, saving education and small scale business running at ADEPE. I was given a start-up capital of 50,000rwf and started a small shop. I’m running it well and satisfy my basic needs as well as those of my family. I feel self-reliant and recovered dignity. I got a fiancée

I dropped out of school and lived in hardship. Got impregnated by a boy who could not support her. Neglected by her family she was desperate. She was lucky to hear about ADEPE through the local village chief while searching for girls to support. She was lucky to be admitted in the program, got trained by ADEPE in tailoring and after training she got accompaniment kit and started the sewing. She diversified the business and started selling vegetables; She joined the group of saving which enabled her to buy a pig. She is now able to pay for a stand in MAHOKO where she sells different vegetables items; She is thankful of ADEPE and Firelight because she recovered dignity and is able to satisfy her basic needs and her baby is in good health.

I used to leave my baby at the border with a little girl whom I had to pay 300 frw to each day. I sometimes failed to pay this amount and my baby was not cared for appropriately. When I was back from DRC, I sometimes found my baby alone on the veranda without any safety
After being admitted in ADEPE program, I was trained on how to care for my child, positive parenting, food security, hygiene and sanitation and now I am smart and my baby is well cared for at the ECD. He takes good food and has gained more weight. I take care of myself and got time to comb my hair and feel happy. I do my cross border trade without any worry.