ADEPE availed the quality of ECD services to children (0-6 years) trough Crossborder ECDs and Markets based ECDs Approaches in Rwanda. ADEPE encourages Families to be aware of quality ECD services, and provide responsive care to young children (0-6 years).
In terms of care and nurturing” ADEPE provides play and learning materials, consumables (e.g. hygienic materials and utensils) and children benefits from the services including (nutrition, early stimulation, hygiene and sanitation, positive parenting, children protection and home visitation.
ADEPE Builds capacity of care givers and parents in proving responsive care and early learning activities for children and advocate for behaviour change through C4D messages on responsive caregiving and male involvement in child care to change community attitudes;
ADEPE integrates nutrition and child health activities as well as child protection in all ECD programme interventions (market and border crossing CARE based) through strong community networks and in collaboration with friends of families (inshuti z’ umuryango) and Community Health Workers.
ADEPE works with other partners to build caregiver’s capacities to identify and manage developmental delays in early childhood, including disabilities in ECD centres and in homes.

ADEPE has built a second nursery that will welcome 150 children on the border with the DRC
Rubavu: UNICEF has allocated 78 million Rwf to the NGO ADEPE (Association for the Development of the People) which has […]