Welcome to ADEPE

Support to early childhood development program

Support to vocational education for young people

Support to vulnerable groups for access to health insurance

ADEPE is a non- governmental and non –profit making organization legally recognized by the Government of Rwanda since 2002, recognized by Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) with legal personality n° 08/08.11, fulfilled requirements for compliance with the new law number 04/2012 of 17/02/2012 governing the organization and functioning of national non –governmental organizations. Its operational area covers the whole Rwandan territory especially northern and western regions.

ADEPE's Vision
An inclusive society where women, boys and girls are empowered so that everyone can be self-reliant and share equal opportunities.
To enhance the quality of life for vulnerable groups especially women, children, and youth for sustainable development by implementing integrated programs across all needed thematic areas.
ADEPE is composed by founder members (the signatories of ADEPE Constitution) and adherent’s members who meet the following criteria: are physical persons who, upon request and after subscription to ADEPE constitution, are endorsed by the general assembly. The founder and ordinary members are referred to as effective members of the organization with equal rights and duties. Shall be considered as honorary member any individuals or organizations to whom the general assembly shall grant that title due to special and appreciable support rendered to the organization. Honorary members participate in the General Assembly but with no right to vote. The effective members commit to unconditionally participate in the activities of the Association. They attend the general Assembly meetings with the right to vote. They are compelled to give annual contribution which is determined by the General Assembly. Membership shall cease in the case of the member’s death, by voluntary resignation, exclusion or the dissolution of the organization. The modalities of resignation and the criteria of exclusion are determined in the Internal Regulations of the organization.

ADEPE has over fifteen years played a vital role in areas of advocacy, social & legal protection and economic empowerment of vulnerable groups while targeting young people and women. ADEPE has gained public recognition by local and central governments, the national police, Gender Monitoring Office (GMO), Ministry of gender and family promotion, UN agencies (UNICEF & UNWOMEN). ADEPE is affiliated to local and international civil society organizations. Among which are National LegalAid forum, National network of civil organizations, Rwanda NGO Forum, and Association for Women’s rights in Development (AWID).