• Participative: Inclusion of individual farmers in contract frame (direct or indirect) Members of the consortium, stakeholders, direct beneficiaries will actively participate in the baseline study, seasonal planning and evaluation sessions
  • Learning cycle to strengthen capacity building among implementing partners mainly CBOs that supervise direct beneficiaries at community level;
  • Mean engage/ He For She: partnerships will be sought with RWAMREC, a local NGO that introduced and continue to advocate and promote positive masculinity and gender equity and mitigate gender based violence where men are convinced and placed at the center of focus group discussions/ interface meeting involving men and women while men emerge as agents for behavior change for women empowerment.
  • Parenting journey: ADEPE believes that bring together married couples, parents and children especially teenagers will play an important role to build positive attitudes among children and adults.

ADEPE will seek partnership with Catholic Episcopal Conference to initiate and facilitate the clubs such as marriage weekends and school for dating among youth. CBOs partners will play important role in the coordination at community level. Other initiatives will also be promoted such as parenting fellowships among parents of 0-7 years old children and parents of teenagers. Will also organize events to bring parents and children together such as father-son, father – daughter, mother-son, mother-daughter days to enhance parents’ role and commitment in nurturing children’s personality, character and assist them to define the kind of purpose driven life they would like to pursue.

  • Adaptive technical approach: ADEPE aims to “improve the functioning of a system and to catalyze systemic change through provision of technical assistance to local governments and communities. ADEPE emphasizes the potential for members of communities as well as local governments to drive positive change in behavior at household’s level that is beneficial to women and girls. ADEPE goal is to promote an adaptive approach based on knowledge transfer and can induce holistic and systematic transformation.

Holistic &systematic: ADEPE aims to support livelihoods programs that improve wellbeing of the communities and in the same time improve community awareness and engagement in advocacy for women and girls’ rights. The agribusiness investment projects are expected to be a source for incomes generation and ADEPE investment company will be the market puller for the small farmers.


Transferring knowledge: ADEPE will invest into processing units through which business partnerships will be concluded with aggregators/ marketing facilitators and producers (dairy, beekeeping, fruits); to improve information flow on good practices to produce outputs meeting market requirements in both volumes and quality. The knowledge transfer through capacity building and proximity advisory services will be facilitated /delivered by local partners including Rwanda Agriculture Board and private SMEs.


  • Market facilitation aiming at facilitating investments: ADEPE will initiate market linkages and monitor their dynamics between the following groups of actors including producers, aggregators/ buyers/ processors financial institutions, extension services.